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John Brennan
October 3, 2013
at 4:00 PM said:
I'll be in San Antonio, TX during the VHCMA gathering this next June, 2014 between the 18th and 22nd of the month. All three helicopter books will be available at a deep discount: "U.S. Army Helicopter Names In Vietnam", "Vietnam War Helicopter Art" and "Vietnam War Helicopter Art, Vol 2".
Also, I'll share what info I have on surviving VN War Army helicopters (approx 1,000) that are presently on display in public museums, military bases and memorial parks across the 50 states. I've compiled a database list which you can view and luckily can help identify your old in-country bird. Hope to see you there.
George Farkas (avel central & far north)
October 3, 2013
at 5:52 AM said:
Some of you walked around landmines. Think we can walk around a barrier or two? With this furlough, would there be anyone to stop us?
Dennis Kanetake
October 2, 2013
at 12:59 PM said:
I also saw that about the WWII veterans trying to visit the memorial in DC. I called and spoke to Jack about it, hope this shutdown does not last long. Here in Hawaii, the same thing is happening as the Arizona Memorial is closed so there is a lot of disapointed tourists being turned away. I'm a federal worker at Pearl Harbor so I'm at home until this shutdown ends.
On the brighter side, looking forward to seeing all my fellow AVEL brothers in a couple of weeks! Aloha!
Russ Mason
October 2, 2013
at 11:52 AM said:
You know, Mike, now that you mention it, I saw Elvis standing on a sidewalk in Vegas...in fact, he was three all at the same time: A hispanic looking one, a black one and a whatever one, but they all definitely were Elvis. That's it...he ain't really dead. He lives in a trailer in South Carolina and spends a lot of time in Vegas, probably looking for a gig.
Shutdown. Hmmm, you don't suppose they would close the memorials, do you? I mean, they are outside and don't have ticket takers at the door since there is no door. Would be a real bummer if the Smithonian isn't open, though. How long do you suppose they can let a shutdown last? Hell, the commies will invade us if we don't re-open soon. OOPS, I think it's too late...I think they're already here.
dale link
October 2, 2013
at 11:00 AM said:
just wondering if we will have to bring our combat gear to dc. because of shutdown? saw on television where WWll veterans went through gate, even though it was shut down.
Mike Blatt
October 1, 2013
at 9:10 AM said:
Well every time we go to Las Vegas we see Elvis!
Al Buchanan
September 30, 2013
at 7:47 AM said:
ELVIS IS DEAD??????????????? I just saw him and Marilyn Monroe in my local diner! OHHHH..........never mind, the waitress just told me there was an Elvis fest (??) at Dewey Beach this weekend. Gotta stop having the "daily special".
Capt. AVEL
September 27, 2013
at 5:46 AM said:
Now wait a minute, Al. Can you prove Elvis is dead? The word from the intelligence community confirms he is living with Salmon Rushdy , or however the hell you spell his name. I happen to know of a trailer in rural South Carolina with "ELVIS" on the mailbox. Pretty ballsey I would say.
Numchuck Charlie say he no think anybody should be surprised about climate change...it always has, why should it be any different now? Boocoo rain on rice paddy one year, teetee rain next year. What up?
Jerry Mahanay
September 26, 2013
at 4:41 PM said:
When has Al Gore ever made sense?? The Avel Vietnam Reunion Washington, DC 2013 is coming up fast and yes Roger Shiley it is going to be a great time. Look forward to seeing you and Jane again and look forward to seeing all my Avel friends and their friends and family in Washington,DC. This is going to be our best attended Reunion yet. Welcome Home and welcome to Washington, DC.
Roger Shiley
September 25, 2013
at 8:13 PM said:
That does not make "cents". This does: There are over 70 old guys going to get together in "DC" and try to put fsces with names. Most everyone will drink a LOT of good and some cheap booze and have fun. There will be a few missing friends that we will toast and remember with kind thoughts and words. Our wives will try not to remember what we say and they will have fun inspite of us!!! Everyon playing golf will cut strokes and find "lost' balls.We will all go to the "wall" and find the names of our few fallen soldiers.We will say a prayer and toast them later at the hotel....Drive safe everyone "MAJOR" Shiley '70-71!!!!!!!!!!
Al Gore
September 25, 2013
at 3:48 PM said:
Here is the truth: The Earth is round; Saddam Hussein did not attack us on 9/11; Elvis is dead; Obama was born in the United States, the climate crisis is real and don't ever listen to Tipper.
russ mason
September 25, 2013
at 11:40 AM said:
BRAVO. Well said.
Serves to prove what I have always said is the ultimate truth: "WHAT YOU THINK OR BELIEVE HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH WHAT IS."
If one did happen to be politically correct, could one actually pick a turd up by its clean end?
keep it coming.
Tipper Gore
September 25, 2013
at 10:29 AM said:
Data gets drawn from a ridiculously narrow span of time. Righteous sheep with no proof proclaim mankind is to blame. I think all of these climate change idiots are too self-important. Nature is going to do what nature is going to do. Knowing it changes doesn't mean you affect it, or that you can. Barrack Obama and Al Gore are just trying to make friends rich. Ludicrous hype, fed by mass media's interest in selling papers. All of this panic and selling "carbon credits" is crap. There is no scientific proof linking change to human activity. Zealots just cry out to "silence the heretic" if you disagree with them. Bet that everyone who was so certain last year has changed their tune. Ever notice "global warming" is now called "climate change"? Each of these people just wants a crusade, a bandwagon, or funding. Religious fervor, frothing at the mouth, these people are chumps.
russ mason
September 25, 2013
at 8:22 AM said:
Now that's what I'm talking about....good, intelligent discourse to participate in.
Al (Buchanan)...I know what you mean. I live 7 minutes from "The Edge of America", Folly Beach. Charleston has to watch the water level too. But as noted, it ain't the first time it has happened...we just don't learn from history and choose to live by the sea. Even Indiana isn't immune to it.
Al Gore: From my own experience, If I follow your course of action, methane levels will increase rapidly. Good old baked beans and, especially brocoli, and many other veggies give me MUCH more gas than a steak ever did. No comparison. Therefore, for the sake of the planet, it seems as though we should eat more meat and fewer veggies...a shame because I really like them.
Woodie: I like your theory about flushing. I think we should all go back to outhouses. That'll fix it.
Now, in addition to germ farts and human consumption of veggies causing a rise in methane levels, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados all must be eliminated to prevent the death of trees, like the hundreds of thousands of them Katrina killed. As we all know, trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. When a tree dies and decomposes, guess where all of that carbon goes? It gets released back into the atmosphere. So is it possible for all of us to send in enough money to the "Stop Global Warming" organizations for them to stop it? (Katrina killed so many trees that the amount of carbon released exceeded the amount all of the surviving trees in the U.S. could absorb. Different rate of exchange.)
More cogitation required, it seems. But please, keep those cards and letters coming.
September 25, 2013
at 6:57 AM said:
WOW!!!Just think what the Dinosaurs and their counter-parts did. Maybe that's why they are extinct. Could be instead of farting after eating beans, people are going to the toilet and flushing; thus causing the water to rise.
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