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Jerry Mahanay on February 9, 2013 at 5:49 PM said:

Top, Was so looking forward to seeing you in Washington, DC. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Here is another prime example of why everyone should get themselves to the next reunion. Top, Rest in Peace, you will be missed by all of us.
Roger Shiley on February 9, 2013 at 3:53 PM said:

Just got word that 1SG Fitzpatrick died today of a heart attack. Just a week ago he wrote up a few words about Agent Orange and encouraging everyone to check with VA....He was a great 1SG and I will miss him....
russ mason on February 4, 2013 at 6:44 AM said:

Thanks Ed. Good to hear from you, and good information. One of our Avel Central guys who attended the Charleston reunion and heard Gene Herron's presentation about getting to the VA and getting checked out is now getting some financial help with 60% disability that he didn't realize he was qualified for. The lesson is: Go your butt to the VA and get checked out. At the same time, you will get a list of all of the medical conditions attributed to agent orange to give to your personal Dr. so he can maintain a watch for any of them which might show up. There's a bunch of them, too.
Top on January 30, 2013 at 2:49 PM said:

I was asked to make a comment about the posien called Agent Orange. I'm what you call a late bloomer. I had no symptems untill 1981, that's when the shit hit the fan. first my eyes went south, glocoma, and cadaracks, next they told me that I was a dibatic. I still worked in my own company untill 1994 that's when I got flooded out both at home and in my shop, Lost almost everything,however, repaired my home and was offered a job in Avionoics as a contractor. Worked untill 2002 got out of debt completely. Started passing blood one day and went to the V A got a complete check up had so much wrong the Dr. said I should be at least 300%Turns out it was only 265% all togeather. High blood pressure, high colorestal, congested hart failure, and poor circulatioe in both legs. I ended up at 100% I guess what I'm trying to say is, it worth the time and effort to get checked out. So get off your duff and go for a check up We earned that and a whole lot more.

As ever, Ed Fitzpatrick Sr. 1st Cav Div 68-69, guess where 70-71

P S I am not going back to check the spelling because I might cancel all of this.
dale link on January 28, 2013 at 10:48 AM said:

lost good friend, lt. col. shelby lawder, who was a fighter pilot IN NAM 67-68. WAS WITH HIM A FEW DAYS BEFORE HE DIED OF heart att. glad we were together. one nevers knows. good news!: my sister-in-law, who i have been pushing to get va benefits from her husband (died in 92 of massive heart att.) finaly received benefits. nice lump sum and monthly benefit. for those who are trying;don't give up! it took 5yr. and three denialsctGEHC
Jerry Mahanay on January 27, 2013 at 6:05 PM said:

I really don't like bringing this up but Jack McCabe spends a lot of time and his own money in keeping up this Avel Website and it would be nice if everyone would take some time and put a blog on the website. I don't care how short or that you think it's unworthy but put some feedback on the website. We all really want to hear from all the Avel Veterans however short or however long please let us hear from you. Mike Piotrasch? Norm Amundson? Wendall Polley? Daryl Black?? John Veers?? Greg Garrison?? Harry Lance?? Louie Barber? Come on guys !!
Jack McCabe on January 4, 2013 at 6:30 PM said:

Well said Mike
Capt. AVEL on January 4, 2013 at 10:04 AM said:

WELL NOW. Let me be the first 2013 message leaver on this bulletin board. I hope all had a good and positive experience this holiday season...a very merry Christmas and a happy New Years Eve/Day. As for the remainder of the new year, standing orders are to have a happy.

Those who missed the '12 reunion in SIN CITY missed a good one. Lots of happy reunions between vets seeing each other for the first time in all these years. NOW, Missing '13 in DC is not an option. Not counting today, you have 285 days to get your house in order, ducks in a row, affairs attended to, crap taken care of, arrangements made, pennies saved up, WHATEVER the hell is is you understand to mean NO EXCUSES....we want to see you there. We'll make that another standing order. This is going to be the big one, the mother lode, the mega maximum, the epitome of Avel Reunions. Remember, old farts don't regret the things they did but they regret hell out of the things they didn't do. SEE YOU THERE!! (but you probably won't see me)
Mike Blatt - AVEL Central on December 30, 2012 at 10:01 AM said:

42 years ago yesterday was my anniversary of leaving Vietnam and coming home and yesterday, I attended the funeral of my junior high and high school friend of many years. We joined the Army together, went through basic together, and attended Fort Gordon, Georgia Signal school; but then our lives went on different paths and they didn't come together again. Ron was in the infantry outside of Pleiku and was a combat veteran. After Ron returned home we never got back together as best friends. I didn't realize how much I regretted not making more of an effort in keeping in touch with him until yesterday. Our lives took different paths as we grew older and moved on with our jobs.
Ron has left me with lots of memories and will be missed. As Reverend Paul said yesterday there will be a Weinke party in heaven with his dad and brother.
I guess what I want to say to all my fellow veterans is this. If you have freinds, veterans that you had made and have not stayed in touch with them it is not to late to put forth that effort and do so.

Rest in peace Ronald Lyle Weinke May 16, 1950 - Dec 2, 2012
Steve Martin on December 25, 2012 at 2:14 PM said:

Merry Christmas to all you AVEL guys,and may the New Year be better for us all.
dale link on December 25, 2012 at 9:02 AM said:

a very merry xmas to all. can not rember much about the christmas of 97, bua am enjoying this one. once again; have a very merry christmas to all vets everywherekAb3W8
Jerry Mahanay on December 22, 2012 at 5:34 PM said:

Roger,I did my Agent Orange Evaluation last October. They told me I was well nourished and well developed. I don't know what the hell that is suppose to mean. I have had a cough for many years and my personal Dr. has had me take every test know to man. My Doctor thinks i have some kind of allergy but I don't know. I don't see the VA admitting to any kind of Agent Orange relationship.
Roger Shiley on December 22, 2012 at 2:21 PM said:

Let's start the year off by having all of you click on the first reference on the AGENT ORANGE portion of our web site.... CLICK on http://www.hadit.com/vaclaimslibrary/vietnam/AgentOrangeSymptoms.html

Look at all the problems that are caused by agent orange......Each and everyone of you needs to file with VA if you have any of the many problems.....If VA gives you the run around contact your congressman or senator and "make waves".

Have a Happy New Year and know that you can be proud that you served!!!!

I am proud that I served with you!

Jack McCabe on December 18, 2012 at 8:14 PM said:

Amen Roger. Merry Chistmas to all!
Roger Shiley on December 17, 2012 at 2:38 PM said:

I will be the first to wish all of my fellow AVEL vets a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year.
Many years have past since 1970-71 and we need to look ahead and hope that the future will be MUCH better.....

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