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Mike Blatt Avel Central
May 30, 2016
at 7:20 AM said:
A day for remembering those we have lost.
greg gudahl
May 12, 2016
at 11:43 AM said:
what about james riddle 'riddler' he was from somewhere around chicago.
Jerry Mahanay
May 8, 2016
at 11:25 AM said:
Really looking forward to this year's Reunion in Chicago. Would like to hear from some our Chicago Native's on the best sites to see and best eat's and how to navigate the "L" train. For all of the golfers I already have everything set at Mt. Prospect Golf Course for the Annual John Veers Martini Golf Outing. All of the information will be coming soon. Mt. Prospect went through a complete renovation last year and is in fantastic shape. The Hotel is in a great location and convenient to O'Hare Airport and the "L" train and hopefully we will have Gary Clark be the Chicago Ambassador to show everyone the sights of Chicago. nothing else Gary will lead everyone in a round of "Up in the air Junior Birdmen" I am trying to get in touch with Buddy Guy to play at the Banquet and I have asked my family physician Dr. Buster Browning to speak at the Banquet and he wants to know what he can talk about and I told him to let all of the old veterans know how to take better care of themselves. Buster is the Head Physician at the Players Championship this coming week and has been doing it for years. If you haven't signed up and registered for this years Reunion get it in gear. AVEL STRONG!!
Michael Blatt
April 28, 2016
at 12:53 PM said:
Reservations for this years reunion are all made. Make sure you ask and talk to Group Housing for your reservations.
Jerry Mahanay
March 30, 2016
at 5:59 PM said:
Good to hear from you again. Please keep in touch with us and know that we miss your Dad. You and your brothers really should think about coming to an Avel Reunion and get to meet the men that served with your Dad and understand the comradery that we all have even thought we served at different times and different areas of Vietnam. We are having our Reunion this year in Chicago and the information is on the website. Future Reunions are tentatively 2017 in Scottsdale, Arizona, 2018 in New Orleans, 2019 in Washington, DC and 2020 at Joe's Nursing Home in Arlington Heights, IL. 2020 depends on the Hospitality Room at Joe's. Would love to meet you and your brother's and I know you and your brother's would really feel right at home with all of the Avel Veteran's. Again please keep in touch.
John Brennan
March 30, 2016
at 5:20 PM said:
Dear Avel veterans, my next Vietnam War helicopter book is 50% complete. The other half needs your help. I am a proud Army aviation veteran in search of in-country photos & historical data pertaining to personalized artwork & names (e.g. Good Vibrations, Proud Mary) painted on Army helicopters during 1962-73. Help me document this often overlooked chapter of our aviation history. Thank you gentlemen. Respectfully yours, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta, johnmailman@yahoo.com
Maureen Fodera
March 30, 2016
at 8:42 AM said:
Welcome Home! I just wanted to let you know I think of you all often. Hope everyone is doing well. Great to see the site still active. I notice the updates as well.
Thank you for your Service and Commitment.
Best Always,
Maureen (daughter of Eric Haase)
Jack McCabe
March 27, 2016
at 6:46 AM said:
Happy Easter everyone
dale link
March 7, 2016
at 5:54 AM said:
was looking at "avel vets sought": Thomas Thomas was from California and terry Henderson was from st. Louis, Mo. terry called me when he arrived home in 68. lost track of him.
Cortland Richmond
March 6, 2016
at 4:03 PM said:
I don't know where my pictures ended up (darn) but I was with one of the signal detachments that arrived at Tan Son Nhut in 1965 and set up, together with other company support units, in our vans and trailers. I remember a plywood sign outside one of them said "We have done so much with so little for so long that now we can do anything with nothing".
As I recall, we shortly moved the vans to behind what would become our de-facto unit headquarters and supply room across from "The Original Medevac" unit where one day, one of our tech's, told to the trim grass around the concrete lamp poles outside, came up with a little green snake and carried it over to the medics to see what kind of snake it was – which led to everyone in the Quonset hut running out in a panic. As I recall, he cut off its head with a knife – and then he started shaking.
Memorable event: being sent to the Philippines with 105 pounds of radios in a duffel bag for an RU-8D that had dead-sticked at Cubi Point. The nice lady at TWA wanted me to pay excess baggage for the 5 pounds I was over. When I got there, the Marines had fixed everything except for the ARC-51BX;: their radios ran on 400 Hz 115VAC and all they needed was the power supply.
Memorable event: The B model that landed late one night, troops in contact and a high pitched tone in his signal on the ground. We couldn't figure out what was wrong until later, when I finally had the crew chief run the aircraft up, flat pitch on the ground, to 5800 RPM while I moved moved a URM–120 from the cockpit all the way back to the tail rotor (everything was running and I was on a ladder – on the other side) before I found out it was a snapped wire in the ARC–44's antenna tuner.
Memorable event: The rocket attack, and Sgt. Quick running around with a rifle.
Memorable event: The pretty young clerk, Miss Kim, who was in love with Specialist Keach, waving goodbye as we drove away in the 3/4 at the end of the day, and him muttering "Don't smile Miss Kim, don't smile Miss, Kim", because her teeth were so bad. I got back there on my second trip, after I left the Phu Loi tower (340th AOD) for the 165th group (I think) and she was still there, with some beautiful dental work, but she didn't look very happy.
I'll try to recall some of the events that happened after Saigon in another post.
Mike Blatt
March 3, 2016
at 10:50 AM said:
Roger, Thanks again! The posting of this information is very helpful.
Roger Shiley
February 24, 2016
at 9:26 AM said:
For those of you that don’t know about agent orange let me tell you what I know about it….. Some smart assed chemical company sold the Army on a way to knock all the leaves off of the trees so that “we” could see if there were “bad guys” hiding in the jungle. Someone decided this was a great idea and bought $40,000,000 worth of AGENT ORANGE. We could spray it on the trees and they would loose their leaves in 24 hours and the “BAD GUYS “ could not hide.
It was a great idea except that……”they” forgot to tell us that it was bad for the good guys AND the bad guys to breathe 0r come in “contact” with the agent orange chemical dust. For some of us it took 35 years to effect out health. Some had prostate cancer, others had lost feeling in the feet and hands. There are over 7 different illnesses that agent orange causes and if you want to know all of them take a look at the two web sites listed below.
Agent Orange can very well effect all of the AVEL soldiers. Having served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1974 each of you might suffer from one of the many Agent Orange related symptoms and effects. Many of the AVEL soldiers that flew on missions in Vietnam and Cambodia, where the LZ was sprayed by Agent Orange. AVEL soldiers worked on dust covered choppers and the dust covered avionics boxes were on the work benches.
VA’s policy is that if you were in Vietnam ONE day, you can claim that any and all of the illnesses on the list was caused by Agent Orange and therefore you are entitled to VA medical services and monetary compensation.
If you have any of the symptoms listed in the sites shown below, go to VA for medical attention and file for compensation. I had my civilian MD check for prostate cancer. I had cancer and I started treatment. I also filed for VA compensation and payment started retroactive to the filing date…..
Here are two sites that have information on Agent Orange. If you go to the site listed next you should get enough information to start your claim with VA.
This is another good site that will walk you through AGENT ORANGE :
I know…..THIS IS OVERKILL , but at least it MIGHT help some of our soldiers that need a push……
Feel free to copy the information and send it to anyone that served in Vietnam !!!!!!!!!!!
One last thought….If you do have a medical problem that is caused by agent orange you will be assigned a percentage of disability. If it is 30% you will get something. If it is 50% another amount. If it gets to 100% you will get over $3000 per month. When you pass on your wife gets 50% of that amount….!!!
LTC Roger Shiley
February 19, 2016
at 1:45 PM said:
Look for posting on Feb 24th......
Jerry Mahanay
January 25, 2016
at 12:50 PM said:
Some hae meat and canna eat
and some wad eat that want it
but we hae meat and we can eat
sae let the lord be thankit
So Gary are you going to sit around this evening and eat haggis and neeps & tatties?
Happy Robert Burns day to you too.
Gary Clark
January 25, 2016
at 11:22 AM said:
Happy Robert Burns Day!
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