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dale link on June 21, 2015 at 10:20 AM said:

a happy father's day to all. hope everyone enjoys the day.
Jack McCabe on June 6, 2015 at 5:49 AM said:

June 6th. 71 years ago today Allied forces landed at Normandy. Casualties were extremely high. Remember the brave men who stormed France today.
Fred Enslen on June 4, 2015 at 9:35 AM said:

To Dan Honeywell: I was platoon leader at AVEL North 3rd Plt from June 67 to June 68. I remember you. Welcome home. Hope you can make the reunion. Fred Enslen
Jack McCabe on May 25, 2015 at 5:28 AM said:

Happy Memorial Day to all. Never forget the meaning of the day.
Jerry Mahanay on May 22, 2015 at 1:09 PM said:

On January 29th of this year I rode with Tom and Jack McCabe to Fort Jackson, South Carolina to attend the Graduation Ceremony of Neil McCabe's Stepson Stephen Elswick. Very moving and the last time I had been to Fort Jackson was at my Graduation Ceremony in January of 1971. I am really looking forward to seeing a Marine Corp Graduation at Parris Island.
Russ Mason on May 22, 2015 at 12:21 PM said:

And I hope everyone has a good day on Memorial Day and remains safe and content. Thanks, Bill, for the reminder about the flags. Important info to remember. It is about those for whom we fly at half staff.
Russ Mason on May 22, 2015 at 12:16 PM said:

To explain the Marine thing, Fort Jackson is just too long of a trip from Charleston and Parris Island is doable in a morning time frame, AND we can afford the busses. I attended a graduation ceremony at Parris Island a couple of years ago for a third cousin and I was extremely impressed and very proud of each and every one of those young people. I was still taken back to basic training hearing the cadre barking commands and the troops responding as if a machine. I feel certain the slightly different uniforms won't matter to anyone.
Bill Biggs on May 22, 2015 at 7:50 AM said:

Not sure I understand the Marine thing. Army now that is what its about.

Memorial Day is almost here. For those who proudly fly a U.S. Flag on their flag pole, remember Half mast till noon the Flay it high the rest of the time. Happy Memorial Day, a day to remember our fallen Brothers and Sister. R.I.P. and Thanks.
Jerry Mahanay on May 22, 2015 at 6:40 AM said:

Roger, you have down a great job of selection in the past. I am going to bring a bottle of John Powers and a case of Ba Moi Ba.
Roger Shiley on May 21, 2015 at 8:46 AM said:

I'm bringing two cases of "conversation stimulant". If you have a special "brew" that you like, drop me a note so we can have your drink availble.....(clockstore@comporium.net)
Jerry Mahanay on May 18, 2015 at 12:52 PM said:

Been awfully quiet on the blog lately so i'm going to make another pitch for the Reunion. Russ Mason has out done himself.The trip to Parris Island for a Marine Corp Graduation Ceremony should be awesome. Anyone that has never been to a Charlestonian Pig Pickin' Oyster Roast is in for a treat. Mike Altine and has staff at the Marina Variety Store and Restaurant are first class and them letting the Avel Reunion to have their downstair's bar "Salty Mike's" to ourselves is going to be incredible. I have the Annual John Veers Martini Golf Outing set up at the Charleston Municipal Golf Course one of the best "Muni's" in the Country. If you haven't already done so start making your plans to visit Charleston this October for the All Avel Vietnam Reunion.
Leon Chlebowski on April 16, 2015 at 1:46 PM said:

All along the watch tower
Jerry Mahanay on April 15, 2015 at 4:06 PM said:

Oh a storm is threatening my very life today if I don't get some shelter I'm going to fade away. War, children, it's just a shot away. War, children, it's just a shot away. it's just a shot away.
Pete Poirier on April 14, 2015 at 1:56 PM said:

I see a red door and I want it painted black...
russmason on April 7, 2015 at 2:49 PM said:

And belated happy Easter to you and to all. Good to hear from you Dale and very happy to see you are coming to the reunion. Looking forward to seeing you again.

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