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Roland Langlois on September 19, 2014 at 9:05 AM said:

Looking for others I served with started with 258th sig then it changed to 317th LEM Vung Tau 1969 to 1970 I was 35B20 and ran the repair and calibration of the test equip.
had 4 civilians and a few soldiers working for me.
I can,t remember any names except I pic I have with his name on back Frank Gembruso a couple of the names on the roster look familiar but not sure I was sp/5 Roland Langlois
gene logan on September 16, 2014 at 11:52 AM said:

First great site. I was with the AMMC in 68-69 and we had three units that we managed I was in HQ I can't remember the names of these units can anyone help? Again great site
Robert Harris son of "Earl Harris" on August 28, 2014 at 10:37 AM said:

That actually makes alot of sense Jack McCabe! My Dad always told me he spent little bits of time with different units like the 25th Inf., 1st Cav, Americal, 82nd Airborne, 101st etc. He volunteered for door gunner quite a bit he said. He had over 360 hours logged as a door gunner. He volunteered for anything and everything he could so he wouldn’t get stuck in a trailer fixing radar equipment! His MOS was (26M20) Radar Repairman. He also drove in convoys, went on patrols and many other things.
Pete Poirier on August 22, 2014 at 4:56 AM said:

One of my most treasured possessions will always be the American Flag given to me by my brothers in AVEL. I was overwhelmed by a totally unexpected moment of recognition from people whom I admire and value highly. That flag will always be a source of pride to me because it will be a constant reminder of the caliber of men who formed the four avionics companies that were a critical component of the air war in Vietnam. It will also be a constant testament to the work that the three of you have done in bringing a "welcome home" to so many who waited so long to hear those simple words. Thank you for letting me be a small part of the good that you have done and continue to do in behalf of everybody who served in AVEL and its successor units.
Bill Biggs on August 18, 2014 at 4:42 AM said:

Jerry, I meant no disrespect to Jack. Sorry that people were upset that there picture was not take with the Vets in DC. But look at our first reunion picture and then the one from DC and see how it has grown. IT is fantastic and remarkable and hope it will continue to grow. All I meant was it would be nice to continue this documentation of our growth thru pictures of the Viet Nam Vets that were actually there. No harm or disrespect was meant and I will not say any more about it.
Maxwell Hayes on August 16, 2014 at 5:37 PM said:

I received this email from Maxwell after he registered.

Welcome Home to you too,Jack.

Though it would would have been nice to have been hearing that greeting from folks circa 1971!
Ah well, we had the misfortune to get our pubic hairs caught up in an (most understandably!) unpopular war.

That was an interesting observation you made about never hearing the "Welcome Home" or the "Thank
you for your service" from our generation of people, or older. I had not observed that before, but you're
right. Nothing new about it all, though. If you haven't run across it already, check out "Tommy" by Rudyard
Kipling. He was about 150 years ahead of the curve.

I called Gary Timberlake, from the roster, after speaking with you, and had a most gratifying conversation.
He even said he's got a photo of six of us, myself included! He occasionally passes by my bonsai shop on the way
to the Florida beaches; I'm hoping he will bring a copy with him next time he passes through.

It was the first time in 43 years I've gotten to speak with one of the bunch.

Thanks beau coup for having put together this forum!

Maxwell Hayes

PS: I know who a couple of the "Unknown" photo subjects are. I'll post 'em later.

Bill Cameron on August 12, 2014 at 8:28 PM said:

Jack, Elaine and I are enjoying the pictures. I belong to several veterans organizations and AVEL Vietnam is hands down the best. We feel welcome here and met so many great patriots. Thanks for what you do.
Tony Stribling on August 12, 2014 at 6:53 PM said:

Have a wonderful time. If do not make this one make plans for next year. Thanks Jack for all you do. Hope all have a save trip home. I got one more day of driving but it was worth it.
Jerry Mahanay on August 12, 2014 at 4:43 PM said:

Mike Blatt, you and Dawn were missed greatly and you missed out on a great time at McCabe's Irish Tavern but family must come first.
Bill Biggs, give Jack a break. He caught flak last year for not including the women and now this year he included everyone and he gets flak. What Jack has done for reuniting Avel is incredible and should be appreciated by everyone.
I thought the Reunion was a great success and everyone had a lot of fun.
Bill you should be gloating that the "Fearsome Foursome" has been triumphant the last four years.
Jack McCabe on August 11, 2014 at 7:12 PM said:

We had a great reunion. The guests are a major part of the reunion and I am glad they are in the picture. They are our support and our rock. God Bless them.
Mike Blatt, Avel Central 69-70 on August 11, 2014 at 8:22 AM said:

Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the 2014 reunion. Unfortunately we had to cancel our plans this year. I hope the new attendees enjoyed themselves to the point of attending future reunions.
Bill Biggs on August 11, 2014 at 4:58 AM said:

Were going to see a lot of Photos of 2014. If you look at our past we had group photos of just the Vets, mad it easy to pick out your buddies. This year we did not do that. ITs a shame. There was a photo take but not of just the guys. There is a difference. How things have changed.
dale link on August 3, 2014 at 7:36 AM said:

heading to Colorado in A.M.(Monday). see you there. hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip.
Jack McCabe on July 30, 2014 at 5:27 AM said:

Paul Conlon, please register as an Avel South Vet
Jack McCabe on July 30, 2014 at 5:26 AM said:

Robert, those slicks are from another unit. Avel South may have had one slick but no more that that. It was an avionics support company that provided general support maintenance for many aviation units in the area.

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