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Jack McCabe
April 20, 2014
at 6:07 AM said:
russ mason
April 2, 2014
at 12:46 PM said:
I hope we get to witness the Dean Haven - Tom Cennamo reconnection in Colorado Springs. It's always so much fun to witness those at the reunions. Be nice to have two more new reunion participants, too.
Right now we have 28 vets registered and a total of 49 people, with guests. I feel like we wil have at least 40 to 50 vets and 70 to 80 people, so I encourage you to go ahead and reserve your room and send in your registration. We have lots of planning to do and need an idea of the crowd size to expect. Jack and some of the girls are working on an activity event for the women, with the goal of having it at no cost to the participants. Hopefully, this will work out. At this location, there will be plenty of places and things to do and see for everyone. Get your registration in and your room reserved, and of course, your reunion dues paid. It's April already.
Roger Shiley
April 1, 2014
at 1:52 PM said:
Ron Your story is touching but this is not the place for it.
Ron Price
April 1, 2014
at 5:56 AM said:
Hello Brothers. I am not a former member of Avel but served two years down the road at the 539th Trans Co. I'm posting asking for your help. I recently learned about a 1/2 house in my area working with 14 men who were homeless (Some from Nam). They have taken these men in and working with them to be re-introduced to society teaching them skills and mental help so they may obtain permanent work and housing. This house IS NOT state supported and they are doing without a lot of essential food and supplies, ie; milk, apples, trash bags, light bulbs, etc. Since I'm now retired I've made it my mission to support this group and others if possible in like conditions. I have set up a benevolence fund for them and would ask (beg) for your help. If you would, please go to the following site and make a donation to help these me out. You can contribute as little as $5.00(less than a pack of smokes or a cheap 6 pack) Thanking you in advance for your help. Ron Price
Jack McCabe
April 1, 2014
at 5:24 AM said:
Dean, Hi Dean, Tom is a registered member here, Give him a call: Thomas G. Cennamo
Register as a member of Avel Far North
Dean Haven
April 1, 2014
at 5:21 AM said:
Hi Jack,
I don't know much about the detachment. My DD214 says 143 Sig Det APO 96337. There were only 6 of us that was sent to DaNang. We had an Afro American WO that was in charge of us and one older Sgt. We also had a factory representive (Canadain Marconii) that was part of the group. We work off the end of the runway, at the air base, in a little sand bag hut that had 2 trucks backed up to it. All of the test equipment was in the trucks with work benches. All we worked on was airbourne radar and infrared boxes.Our only vehical was a covered Army truck which we carried the the equipment that needed repair.or repaired.
Our hooch was between Dog Patch and the runwayand real close to a huge water tower. Charlie always tried to sight in his rockets on the tower.
Occasionally we would go out to Red Beach to the orderly room. That's where I saw my first Cobra parked there.
I don't know what else I can tell you about the 143rd. Maybe we were the whole company. The only person that I remember their whole name was Thomas Cinnimo from Cinninnatti, Ohio.
I appreciate any information you may come up with.
Dean Haven
April 1, 2014
at 5:17 AM said:
My MOS was 26M20. I was sent to Red beach Jan. 69. I was assigned to the 143rd signal Det. I was then sent to DaNang and serviced the equipment in a little truck with sand bags around it. I don't see anything about the 143rd. I would like to get in touch with my old friends. Could you tell me where to look?
Thanks, Dean deanandnancyhvn@tds.net
Jerry Mahanay
March 27, 2014
at 5:45 PM said:
We celebrate March 17th in commemoration of St. Patrick's great and noble deed in driving the Norwegians out of Ireland.
It seems that centuries ago many Norwegians came to Ireland to escape the bitterness of the Norwegian winter. Ireland was having a famine at the time and food was scarce.
The Norwegians were eating almost all of the fish caught in the ocean, leaving the Irish with nothing but potatoes.
St. Patrick, taking matters into onto his own hands, like most Irishman, decided all the Norwegians had to go. Secretly he organized the IRATION (Irish Republican Army to Rid Ireland of Norwegians). Irish members of the IRATION sabotaged all the power plants in hopes the fish in Norwegian refrigerators would spoil, forcing the Norwegians to a cooler climate where their fish would keep. The fish spoiled all right, but the Norwegians, as everyone knows to this day, thrive on spoiled fish. Faced with failure, the Irishmen sneaked into the Norwegian fish storage caves in the dead of the night and sprinkled the rotten fish with lye, hoping to poison the Norwegian intruders, but as everybody knows, this is how lutefisk was introduced to the Norwegians, and how they thrived on the lye soaked smelly fish.
Matters became even worse for the Irish when the Norwegians started taking over the Irish potato crop to make lefse. Poor St. Patrick was at his wits end. Finally, on March 17, he blew his top and told the Norwegians to "go to hell" -- and it worked, because all the Norwegians left Ireland and went to Minnesota.
Now they have ended up in Colorado Springs
Denáe Olafson (AKA: "Red")
March 20, 2014
at 8:46 AM said:
Greetings from Colorado Springs!
My name is Denáe ... AKA: "Red" due to my crazy hair color ... and I am writing from Hotel Eleganté in Colorado Springs. The entire Staff & Management of the hotel is so looking forward to welcoming & hosting each and every one of you for the upcoming 2014 AVEL Vietnam Vets Reunion in August!
Should you have any questions about area attractions, hotel accommodations, reservations, or simply want to chat I would be happy to help you! We are looking forward to seeing you in just a few short months in beautiful Colorado Springs.
Many Blessings,
Denáe Olafson
Jerry Mahanay
February 27, 2014
at 8:13 AM said:
I stand before the WALL with a tear running down my face,
it reflects the sorrow and pain of the heart.
As another tear rolls down my cheek it reflects the cold hard
glare of black stone whose face has a chisel look.
With the falling of another tear you can see the boyish fun of
old friends who are no more.
As I fight to hold back the tears their gentle hands reach out to my
heart saying we are here for you.
With there touch my tears say I'm sorry that I came home and that
you stayed behind.
As the tears flow I know that the boy I was then is no longer for
only a man can cry for lost friends.
For I cry A Tear For Those Who gave Their All.
Jerry Mahanay
February 5, 2014
at 12:16 PM said:
Harry D. Lance, 84
A remembrance service will beheld at the Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 3631, 18545 E. Colfax, Aurora, CO 80011 in February 11th at 10:00 AM. It will be followed by the Military Honors ceremony and interment at Fort Logan National Cemetery, 1:00 PM, Staging Area "A" (Please arrive 10 minutes early at the staging area). Those wishing to attend from the VFW Post, carpooling arrangements will be coordinated for convenience.
Harry was born in Leesburg, Florida in August of 1929. He spent 18 years in the United States Air Force and retired from the United States Army after serving his country for 21 years to include tours in Korea and Viet Nam. He learned to fly in his teens and it was his passion. He was a HAM radio enthusiast and would spend time talking with old and new friends on the radio. He loved electronics of any type and enjoyed learning the new technologies.
Harry is survived by his daughters, Joyce (Robert) Piersant; and Judy (Michael) Thomas; five grandchildren: Patrick Piersant, Alexandra Piersant, Robert Thomas, Samantha Thomas, and Michael Thomas, Jr.; and three great-grandsons: Anthony and Lucien Piersant and Benjamin Thomas.
All who knew him will miss him greatly. Forever Fly Free!
To leave a special message for Harry’s family, please click the Share Memories button above.
Al Buchanan
February 4, 2014
at 10:52 AM said:
The biggest thing I remember about the *&^%$ Malaria pill was it's side affect. Known as how fast could you get to the latrine or the Vietnam saying "happiness is a dry fart".
Consequently I stopped taking it, after reading the article Jack placed here I'm glad I did. Jeez, what the f*** else from there is going to kill us?
Roger Shiley
February 3, 2014
at 2:27 PM said:
I just took the time to look at the photos of the 2013 reunion and there is a great collection of photos of all of us. Time has not treated us too well and we all look like we have a "lot of miles" on us. I want everyone know that I'm proud of all of you and like the fact that I am an "AVEL" soldier. We are special!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry Mahanay
February 2, 2014
at 6:11 PM said:
Harry Lance died January 30th. I am waiting on the obituary and will pass that on to everybody. I have talked to Harry's daughter Joyce and to his son in Law Mike Thomas and they were not expecting this. Last time I talked to Harry he sounded well and I was really looking forward to meeting Harry this August in Colorado Springs. Rest in peace Harry.
Russ Mason
January 15, 2014
at 8:33 AM said:
Here is some information about the hotel for this year's reunion:
The rooms will be $99 per night. This rate will be the same for 1, 2, 3, or 4 people in the room. It will include FREE buffet breakfast FOR TWO people. Triple or quad occupancy rooms may purchase additional breakfasts. Also, unlike many hotels, the room rate will be good for every night of the event. Some hotels go up on Friday and Saturday nights...not so here. Indoor and outdoor poolside rooms will be available for an additional $10 per night. The rate will be good 3 days prior to and 3 days after the event, so from Aug. 4th thru the 13th.
The cutoff date for reserving rooms at this rate will be July 8, 2014, one month before the reunion. AFTER THAT DATE, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY WHATEVER THE PREVAILING RATE IS.
You can go ahead and reserve your room any time. If you have to cancel, there will be NO PENALTY OR COST up to within 24 hours of the event, so up to August 5th end of day. The hotel is going to set up a PERSONALIZED RESERVATION LINK exclusively for our use to simplify the process. We will advise as soon as it is set up. Also, there will be no early departure penalty, so if for some reason you have to leave earlier than you reserved you room for, NO PENALTY or FEES.
Guys, this hotel was formerly The Crowne Plaza Hotel, so it is nice. There will be a lot going on in Colorado Springs. I am told there will be at least 4 beer festivals in "The Springs" during that time, so if beer is your thing, you should be in great shape. As usual, we will have a fully stocked Hospitality room. Also, the hotel has arranged for a 15% discount at the neighboring Total Wine & Liquor store for all group members, and we all get a 15% discount at all of the hotel food outlets.
Stay tuned....more later. Watch the "REUNION 2014" site.
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