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Jack McCabe on November 25, 2013 at 5:53 PM said:

I honestly can't remember Thanksgiving 1970 and 1971. All a blur.
Tony Stribling on November 25, 2013 at 6:48 AM said:

Thanksgiving 1969 will be a day I will always remember. It was on the 27th which just happened to be my birthday. I was now 21 and could not only serve my country but could now vote. Had turkey on the table with white table cloth in mess hall. Then to top it off I had the whole day off to watch AFVN on the tv. What a day.
Jack McCabe on November 24, 2013 at 6:17 PM said:

Christmas Vietnam. Send me your memories. I will post starting on Thanksgiving on the home page. Send them from this website or email me direct at jmccabe51@gmail.com. No matter what unit, send them on. Interesting, exciting, mundane and boring.
Jack McCabe on November 24, 2013 at 6:15 PM said:

It was a great meal as I recall. Thanks Roger for making the mess sergeant do his job!
Mike Blatt on November 24, 2013 at 4:38 PM said:

If I remember correctly, one of those turkeys ended up in Dave Bishops and my hooch. YUM!
Jerry Mahanay on November 23, 2013 at 6:09 PM said:

Roger, you might want to ask Jack McCabe what was going to happen to those 15 turkeys. I'm just saying.
Roger Shiley on November 23, 2013 at 2:02 PM said:

Does anyone remember the Thanksgiving Day dinner in 1970???? I remember that our company officers were strongly encouraged (that was thier extra duty for the day)to serve on the serving line in the Mess Hall... The mess Sergeant was so upset because I insisted that all of the turkeys were put out for everyone to eat.... He wanted to save about 15 of them for later!!!!! It was a great feast and even the guards at the company post got a LOT of food....Happy Thanksgiving to all the AVEL troops that served there.......
Jack McCabe on November 20, 2013 at 11:43 AM said:

Welcome to the site Bruce
Greg Garrison on November 17, 2013 at 5:26 AM said:

Oops - I got the dates wrong on the comment below about Phillip Sanders. Wayne arrived in Viet Nam in September 1968 and Phillip died in May 1969.
Greg Garrison on November 16, 2013 at 4:33 PM said:

On the photo at the top of the page, you will see my wife Gayle pointing to the name of SGT. Phillip D. Sanders. Although Gayle and I never met Phillip, her brother, Wayne Hawkins and Phillip were best friends. They served in Recon in the 198th Infantry, Americal Division from September 1967 until Phillip’s death in April 1968. Phillip was married and had a baby girl he never got to see. Early in April Phillip became aware of an opening in Chu Lai to load helicopters at the helipad. As Phillip felt that the unit was scheduled for some heavy action, he sent Wayne back to Chu Lai. Two weeks after Wayne began at the helipad, he and some others were unloading a helicopter. Someone shouted for help with a body bag. When he arrived to help, Wayne discovered that it was Phillip Sanders that had been killed in action by a RPG. This was traumatic for Wayne knowing that he survived because of what his friend had done for him.
This is just a reminder to us that each of the names on the wall has a story.
Bob Smith on November 16, 2013 at 9:18 AM said:

Found these patches on ebay, look very nice.
Bob Smith on November 15, 2013 at 9:29 AM said:

Thanks Jack for your contribution to the roof project! Always stepping up.
Bob Smith on November 14, 2013 at 7:50 PM said:

This is a project our Military Officers Association chapter and our American Legion Post is supporting. They bought an old motel and normally house 230 or so homeless vets. They not only house and feed; but offer training in truck driving, culinary arts, hospitality management and other trades. Residents get alcohol tested after being out, have random drug testing and must do chores and earn credits toward getting better room assignments (less room mates). Supported somewhat by VA but mostly donations. Basically there is a two year limit on their stay. It is one of the most successful programs in the US, people placed in jobs are still there after five years at a rate of 90%. We helped Honor Air who sponsored a coat drive several years that went off the charts. Provided gloves and really nice hi-tech coat for all. Had money left over to purchase linens, and other items plus some scholarships. Today I picked up over $900 worth of coats, gloves, hats, and wind suits for them for $434 which came from Legion, MOAA, and Linda and myself. Read the info in the link below. If you would like to help I am on there as a sponsor under the name Bob, have not put picture in just yet.

The ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters is in dire need of roof repair for part of the facility. Please consider giving to help them reach the $25,000 they need to receive a matching grant of $20,000. On the link you will see the details, I am listed as Bob and have established a goal of $1000 for now. Please help this very successful operation that has help our deserving Vets who have been homeless to get back on their feet and return to being valuable productive members of society. Happy Thanksgiving to all my AVEL Brothers.
John Chapman on November 13, 2013 at 5:10 PM said:

We couldn’t have enjoyed the reunion more and for those sitting on the fence and wondering should I participate… I say ..get on board. Looking forward to next year.
Jack McCabe on November 11, 2013 at 5:01 PM said:

Thanks Dawn

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