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Dawn Blatt on November 11, 2013 at 8:21 AM said:

To all AVEL veterans Thank You for your service.
Jerry Mahanay on November 9, 2013 at 7:47 PM said:

Dennis that is a great story and what would even be better if they found our website and sent us that picture. That would be incredible. What an awesome day that was and I really think about our Wreath Laying Ceremony everyday. It was a proud moment.
Dennis Kanetake on November 9, 2013 at 3:22 PM said:

Jerry, thought I share a story that you and I were a part of. This was on Saturday morning at the Wall before the busses came. You, me and I think, Russ Mason was standing by the wreath, when a couple & their daughter stopped by and asked about the wreath. You explained about our ceremony and they were impressed. Then they said they were here to teach their daughter (adopted from China) about American history by visiting the museums & monuments. The wife then asked us a favor, if she could take a picture of the three of us with their daughter, I believe she was in her teens. She took the picture, wished us well with our ceremony and the family thanked us for our service. So now, that family has a picture of three AVEL Vietnam Veterans with their daughter at the Wall.
Jerry Mahanay on November 6, 2013 at 5:38 PM said:

That was one hell of a Reunion. Please all and everyone give us feedback on the Avel Blog. Let us know if you enjoyed it thought it sucked Jack has lost too much weight?? don't care let us know! The Reunion Committee needs to know what everyone thinks and we are trying our best to make every Reunion better so come one please give us some feedback and really anybody that even looks at our website please post a blog. It makes Russ Mason feel really good. Come on let us hear from you.
Jerry Mahanay on October 31, 2013 at 8:08 PM said:

Jack McCabe is the youngster in the Avel crowd and is worn out. What if he was as old as Bill Biggs and Marvin York.
I'm just saying.
Jack McCabe on October 31, 2013 at 6:29 PM said:

The reunion was extremely uplifting but completely wore me out. What a great group of men (and women). I will be posting info, pictures and videos shortly
Dave D'Alonzo on October 31, 2013 at 7:11 AM said:

You should have received an email explaining this Foundation, but if you haven't please read- If you would like to support our returning amputee and severely disabled service men and women, go to
Click on TEAMS, then Team Shamrock. Scroll down to donate. Mention that you are an AVEL Veteran in comments section. Contact me if you need more info
Thank you
russ mason on October 31, 2013 at 5:59 AM said:

Thanks, Roger. I agree with you about the Avel attitude. It prevails at the reunions and is evident in everything I have experienced related to the reunions and everybody I have met at the last three events. As Chief Raincloud Mahanay likes to say: We are AVEL strong.
Jerry Mahanay on October 29, 2013 at 8:12 PM said:

Thank all of the Veterans, Family and Friends for coming. It was a wonderful time and a great Reunion and I look forward to seeing all of you again next year in Colorado Springs.
Roger Shiley on October 27, 2013 at 4:36 PM said:

In 1970 I was assigned to Vietnam for the second time. I was very sure that “things” would happen because I was a second tour soldier and luck runs out. When I arrived in RVN ( AVEL Central) I was very glad to see professional soldiers and a dedication to the service. They (you) liked to play hard but when it was time to buckle down you did.

All of you turned out to be great soldiers and a lot of you went on to be “lifers”. You were hard working men and there were many times that you put in 14- 24 hours a day to our mission. What really makes me proud is to see the leadership that you all have carried into the civilian life. There is a special AVEL attitude that carries into the civilian life that is evident in all of you…..

Thanks to all of you, that worked so hard to make this reunion “work”, Remember those that left us early and be proud of your service !!!
Don Cook on October 27, 2013 at 2:09 PM said:


Wanted to thank you for inviting us to the reunion, we really enjoyed it. I wasn't a member of a AVEL group, but a one man shop with the 198th LIB Aviation Section in Chu Lai. We did have a larger shop just out side the base that I could send equipment to for repair if needed, but never had to use them. I did have two fellow classmates that worked in the shop, but have lost track of them. Was hoping that they would have registered with the group.

I put together a first cut of the trip to the Vietnam Wall on Saturday. I uploaded it to You-tube and wanted to share the link with you. If you could, share it with the rest of the group. I am working on a second video that covers the Banquet that should be done in a couple of days.
Thanks again,

Don Cook


dale link on October 27, 2013 at 11:09 AM said:

stayed 7 days in DC. reunion was great. thanks to jack, jerry,russ, and others who helped.
Pete Hoekema on October 26, 2013 at 7:33 AM said:

I would like to thank those of you who spent so much time and effort in the arrangement of the reunion and the touching videos that were posted. I would like to have been there but duties at home have prevented it. The video Jack put together featuring those who have died was particularly moving as was Gitta's video. Thanks to all who served their country unselfishly. God bless the USA!
Tony Stribling on October 26, 2013 at 4:42 AM said:

Last week at this time was a day I will never forget. I have been to the wall three times before but this was time with with my AVEL brothers was the greatest. Thanks to Jack, Russ and Jerry for making this a time that I will never forget. I did not know but one AVEL brother the first year I went at Charleston but now I have many brothers that are my friends. I just want to say if you have not came because you look at past reunion pics and say I don,t know anyone you are wrong. We all have something in common, we all served. Just come to one reunion and you will see that you can,t wait for the next one. Jack, Russ and Jerry I salute you my AVEL brothers for a job well done.
russ mason on October 25, 2013 at 5:24 AM said:

To quote Sgt. Floyd, E-19-Stu. Bde., Fort Gordon, Ga., 1967-1968: "YOU PEEBIES LISTEN UP!"

Can't say enough about how great the reunion went, the excellent quality and value of the hotel, the food, and most of all, how well they responded to our every need, right down to coming up with a trash can, liners and ice for the keg of home brew beer which John Veers donated...5 gallons of it, and it was so good, it was gone the first night. The person at the hotel who was responsible for taking care of us was a lady named Torre Newman, and our own mothers could not have taken better care. SO, we sent her flowers, and she has confirmed receipt and deep gratitude. Just wanted everybody to know. She was touched.


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