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Mike Blatt
July 31, 2013
at 12:15 PM said:
We wish Bob Madore all the best and are thinking and praying for him.
Oscar Bronson III, Avel North
July 26, 2013
at 6:14 AM said:
Cancer update . Hello Jack, just wanted to update my status . I have been diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia 2 months ago, did my chemo and found out yesterday that the chemo did not work,and yesterday was also told that I now have lymphoma also. Isn't Vietnam service great. Oscar Bronson III
Jerry Mahanay
July 20, 2013
at 6:25 PM said:
Numchuck Charlie, I was on guard duty with with Gary Clark 29 September 1971. Gary was asleep on the cot and I was behind the M-60 Machine gun trying to keep awake when a trip flare went off in front of me. Could not see anything because of the lighting on the berm. But did wake me up. Still trying to stay awake even with the rats running across the sandbags over my feet then another trip flare went off. I saw a shadowy figure running past the wire. The tower called and said there is movement in the wire in front of you shot up a flare. I woke up Gary and said there is something in the wire in front of us and we need to shoot up a flare. Gary said I will take care of it and sent a flare straight into the Phu Loi Village. Tower said "Nice shot Guy's" Settled down and got on top of the bunker with my flak vest, M-16, and looking out for the enemy when at least 10 trip flares went off and there was probably 12 to 13 cats in the wire. Numchuck Charlie what do you know about this incident. Was Captain Avel in any way involved?
chuoc thuoc Nguyen numchuck charlie
July 12, 2013
at 9:19 AM said:
We watchee you. we see g.i.'s from places like Aiea, Hi. peeking over the fence. sneaking a lookee at the website, but no leave message on bloggy. why you no leave message? why you not registered for reunion? captain avel say you no registered. boocoo numba ten thou you no register and no leave message.
Nguyen gotta didimau. I watchee you. you leave message, come to reunion, be numba one g.i.
russ mason again
July 11, 2013
at 4:52 AM said:
ETS, 7/11/70.
russ mason
July 10, 2013
at 9:15 AM said:
As much problem as we are having with A.O., can you imagine the problems the people we left there, the Vietnamese people, must be having? Just a thought.
Guys, if you haven't registered with the V.A. as having been exposed to Agent Orange, drop what you are doing and march your ass down there and do it. Pete Poirier put it very well when he said in an email about one of our brothers passing:"He didn't die in Vietnam, he died from having been in Vietnam."
Roger Shiley
July 7, 2013
at 8:22 PM said:
Can you believe that I was talking to a 75 year old retired Full Colonel, at church, that had served 2 tours in RVN AND he is sick with agent orange problems. He has not signed up for agent orange evaluation..Nothing.
From what I learned he should have been getting VA help 8 years ago but he is too stubborn. to file a claim. PLEASE look out for yourselves and get signed up with your local VA and know the agent orange problems and talk to some of the old guys and gals in the VA waiting room....
dale link
July 2, 2013
at 12:13 PM said:
I hate to bring this up again, but I received a solicitation in the mail today from the disabled veterans national foundation. I wish each one of you would go on-line and check their charity rating (67million collected and none to DAV. under investigation in FL.,NY.,CAL.). let your friends, congressman, or whoever know!! sorry, but I am PISSED!!!!
Jerry Mahanay
June 28, 2013
at 3:27 PM said:
Has Captain Avel registered?? Is he bringing Numchuck Charlie as a guest? Will Captain Avel speak at the banquet?
russ mason
June 26, 2013
at 7:18 AM said:
Here's the latest on the 2013 reunion: We now have 61 vets registered and indicating they intend to be there. With wives and other guests, we are now about a hundred. This is going to be a great event, with guys from all units registered. What is surprising is that there are some names not on the list yet which I fully expected to see...hopefully just procrastination. Last year, we had two guys from Hawaii make it, Dennis Kanetake and Rodney Shimabukuro, and it was fantastic seeing them. I can think of a few more Aloha guys we would really like to see there this year, and really hope Rodney and Dennis can make it back.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have registered and all who have paid their registration, and remind those who have not sent their check yet to please do so. Make it payable to AVEL REUNION and send it to me at my home address as shown in the REUNION REGISTRATION FORM window.
This is probably going to be the best attended reunion we will have, with so many coming for several reasons, i.e. the reunion itself and reconnecting with old friends and meeting many new brothers, the "DC" experience with so many attractions, museums, memorials, and, I think most importantly, THE WALL. So many have never seen it, and are fearful of seeing it, rightly so...it is powerful, it is an extremely emotional experience and it WILL make you weep....but we'll all be there weeping together. I know you all know that Jack has gotten us an official Park Service permit to hold a wreath-laying service, which is set up for us to go as a group, in busses, all together for the support we will all be so glad to have. Don't forget your camera...you will for sure want photos. The other military memorials are in the same vicinity, so you can vist them also. You will for the rest of your life be so glad you paid the visit.
At this time, I'm not going to rat on those of you who have not registered by listing names. I will probably send a few personal emails to guys from my years, 68-69, Phu Loi, Central, to bug you some more about coming to this year's event because our chances of ever seeing each other again are getting slimmer each year. Please try to make it this year.
Jack McCabe
June 17, 2013
at 6:04 PM said:
This is a shout out to all you AVEL veterans out there. I am putting video slide shows together and need your pictures. Send them as jpeg and at high resolution. I will reduce as needed. ID the people in the pictures if you can. I will bring my slide converter to the reunion and can convert your slides there or you can send them to me.
Jerry Mahanay
June 14, 2013
at 5:59 AM said:
Goggles. I meant Goggles. Dammit I need to proof read my comments before posting. Gary Clark you are coming to Washington DC aren't you??
Jerry Mahanay
June 13, 2013
at 7:04 AM said:
Going to be good to see you after all these years. Saturday night at the Banquet Gary Clark is going to get up and lead everybody with a rousing rendition of "Up in the Air Junior Birdmen". Will bring back fond memories of the Avel Central EM Club. Brush up on the lyrics and work on the hand googles.
russ mason
June 12, 2013
at 1:41 PM said:
Hey Ron, is it true a Mowhawk could sustain a vertical climb? Loved those Mohawks.
russ mason
June 12, 2013
at 1:08 PM said:
If everyone comes who has registered, you will see 56 of us plus yourself, plus wives and other guests...group is getting close to 100. We had a total of 70 at last years banquet, so the group continues to grow. There are quite a few guys from whom I expect to receive their registrations but have not yet. A lot of new names too, which is great. I love to see those reconnections. Fixed wing mechanics are welcome too...
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