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Donald MacLean on April 12, 2013 at 2:56 PM said:

Cam Rahn Bay support command 128th signal company "depot" 28 March 1969 to 27, March 1970. Looking for reunion or buddies etc. email donlynmac@yahoo.com Would like to hear from members from this unit.
dale link on April 6, 2013 at 11:38 AM said:

SCAM ALERT: disabled vetrans national foundation(not disabled vetrans of america) is soliciting money for disabled vets. check CNN news vedio before you give.
Roger Shiley on April 2, 2013 at 7:11 AM said:

ISG Yoho had either just left RVN or was on his way out when I took Command of AVEL in August 1970. ISG McCune took over then later ISG Fitzpatrick. That was a long time ago!!!!!!!!See you in DC!!!!!
Michael Blatt on April 1, 2013 at 12:51 PM said:

Does anyone remember Arthur J Yoho, 1st Sergent. I have paper work signed by him from July 12 1970. Avel Support Company, Avel Central giving Dave Bishop and I permission to go to the USO in Saigon to make phone calls home.
Jerry Mahanay on March 31, 2013 at 2:11 PM said:


Good to hear from you. We miss your Dad greatly. Please keep in touch and if you and your family can make it to an Avel Reunion that would be nice.
Maureen Fodera on March 31, 2013 at 6:43 AM said:

Welcome home!! Sorry that I am a day late! I am always checking out the site when I can. Keep up this great work that reflects such a strong bond. Great to see the activity and planning continues. Be proud... I sure am..and so is my dad who continues to watch over us all!

With gratitude... Maureen ... Daughter of Eric Haase
Mike Blatt on March 26, 2013 at 9:30 AM said:

Jack, I agree with you, they were just covering their asses! If they had really cared, they would have thought of the implications BEFORE!!! I was just surprised they did anything at all
Mike Blatt on March 26, 2013 at 9:12 AM said:

Russ, We only made reservations for the dates of the reunion 16th-20th. When we first connected with the reservation line, we asked if we should be talking directly to the hotel involved because we were with a reunion group and had special pricing. Once we had the correct hotel, we specified the Avel Vietnam Reunion and the reservations went smoothly from there.
russ mason on March 26, 2013 at 6:08 AM said:

Mike, did you reserve for any dates outside of the 16th - 19th? Michael Sicheri said the problem with the national 800 reservations system would be regarding the 3 days prior and post event. I'm just wondering if the agent you connected with was seeing only the event dates or if he had the 3 day prior/post event information in front of him also.
Jack McCabe on March 25, 2013 at 8:29 PM said:

This is in response to Mike's post on the apology of the producers of The Amazing Race. Bullshit! They don't give a damn about us and never did. They are just trying to be politically correct. They had complaints from vets so they make themselves feel good by apologizing but they don't give a damn about us. The only people who ever cared about us are each other and our families. This country turned their backs on us.
Jerry Mahanay on March 25, 2013 at 6:06 PM said:


I just called the 800 number earlier and was told that I was calling too soon to be able to make reservations for the Reunion and I would have to call back in two months to check on the rates at that time. I was given $226.00 a night with $24.00 a day self parking rate. Everyone, we will get this straightened out and we do have a contract signed. We had this problem in Charleston at the beginning but got it straight. Do not let what the reservations desk tells you change your mind about coming to the reunion. We have a contract and you will get the rates that we have published. Just wish things could be easy. Dammit man. If we have to we can get Captain Avel involved. There will be Hell to pay at the Hilton Reservation Desk.
Mike Blatt on March 25, 2013 at 4:27 PM said:

We made our reservations with the Hiltons main toll free number. The customer service agent who assisted us was able to look at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center's Hotel rates for the AVEL reunion and saw that the rate was $89. We had no problem at all with a different rate quote, it went very smoothly.
russ mason on March 25, 2013 at 8:39 AM said:

Guys, I want to explain about what some of you have experienced when making your room reservations at the reunion hotel and being told your rooms will be at a higher rate than the $89 deal we have: your call is being answered by their nationwide reservations system and you could be talking to someone in any state in the country. They don't have the information in the national system regarding the 3 days prior to and the 3 days after the reunion being the same rate as the reunion dates, but we have a signed contract and have been guaranteed that the $89 rate will be charged for those nights. The sales manager at the hotel is Michael Sicheri. The direct line number to the hotel is 703-845-2645. If you have any problems or any conflicting response from whomever you speak with, either call Michael or email me or Jack or Jerry and we will forward it to Michael. He has promised to personally correct any problem. Also, our deal includes self-parking at $7 per night.
Mike Blatt on March 24, 2013 at 9:15 PM said:

Before the airing of The Amazing Race this week. The following statement was displayed and read by the host of the show.

Parts of last Sunday's episode, filmed in Vietnam, were insensitive to a group that is very important to us -- our nation's veterans. We want to apologize to veterans -- particularly those who served in Vietnam -- as well as to their families and any viewers who were offended by the broadcast. All of us here have the most profound respect for the men and women who fight for our country.
Jack McCabe on March 22, 2013 at 6:14 AM said:

I missed that Dawn. I don't watch that show. Maybe it is better I don't.

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