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Jack McCabe on August 29, 2012 at 8:06 PM said:

The purpose of this website is not to be a political forum. But I want each and everyone of you to remember that you fought for this country. You served for the right of ever person in this country to have the right to vote. Sooo, no matter what candidate you support, get out and vote. You guaranteed this right for the citizens of this country so make sure you exercise this right yourself. Get out and vote!
Jack McCabe on August 29, 2012 at 7:59 PM said:

My prayers are with you too Leon
Jerry Mahanay on August 28, 2012 at 6:17 PM said:

My prayers are with you Leon and your family
larry sossamon on August 28, 2012 at 5:09 PM said:

as i write this message everyone please keep Leon Graffeo his wife Sandra and his family in your prayers, Leon was in Avel Central 2nd Platoon Cu Chi, they are weathering Issac the storm, Leon lives in Plaquemine Parish right in the storm's path above New Orleans and Lake Ponchatrain.
Jerry Mahanay on August 28, 2012 at 11:00 AM said:

Bill, just got off the phone with the Head Pro at Palm Valley Golf Course 9201 Del Webb Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89134 phone 702-363-4373. First group goes off at 8:34 AM on Friday October 12th, 2012. Rate with cart is $56.00 and club rentals will be $30.00. I will need to know who needs clubs so I can have them reserved in advance. The 2nd Annual John Veers Martini Golf Outing will be without John Veers who had already made plans. Not to fear I located an Olive Picker in Charleston last month and I learned how to make a martini from the master "John Veers".
Bill Biggs on August 27, 2012 at 5:12 PM said:

Do we have a golf site for the reunion as of yet? Hope all is well, I can't wait until Oct gets here, I am really looking forward to the reunion.
russ on August 27, 2012 at 6:04 AM said:

Came across an interesting story you might have seen about an 87 year old woman about to complete college to fulfill a dream. In a football banquet speech she was invited to deliver, she said: "The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for the things we didn't do."

Think about it. Get your butt to the first reunion you can and reconnect with the guys you probably thought you would never see again. You'll die regretting it if you don't, I promise you.
Roger Shiley on August 24, 2012 at 7:16 AM said:

You are sooo right Russ! This election is the very last chance we will have to maintain our country as a free Christian nation. There is too much at state and about 45% of the voters don't even have a clue as to how much trouble we are headed for if we don't get a new president.....Please vote....( twice if you can).
russ mason on August 23, 2012 at 8:25 AM said:

Guys, I'm sure that like me, you receive a regular dose of forwarded emails concerning how urgent it is that we acheive a change of leadership in the Whitehouse. I personally agree with this sentiment, but I am not going to cram it down anybody's throat...we're all entitled to our own beliefs. What I want to say here is this: Without voting, we ain't gonna change anything with prayer alone. We all need to actively encourage everyone we know to get active, get involved, and most importantly, get to the polls and VOTE. Talking about it and emailing about it won't do any good unless we act on it. You can bet your sweet ass that those who for some totally unknown, inconceivable reason support Obama will be dragging people out of their kitchens and bussing, carpooling, rickshawing...every means possible...to get their voters to the polls. In the end, we have to outnumber them. Now is the time to start getting people stirred up and committed to voting. That's it.
Roger Shiley on August 13, 2012 at 2:48 PM said:

Bruce...I am so glad that you got your 100%.. It takes a long time and for some of us it comes too late....I sure hope that ALL of our AVEL men know the Agent Orange symptoms and apply early!!!!!!!! Thinking of you!!
BRUCE T GOFF on August 5, 2012 at 6:14 AM said:

Jerry Mahanay on July 25, 2012 at 5:05 AM said:

I hope all of the Avelers are paying attention to Captain Avel and don't make him bring out his old sidekick Nyugen Van Chuoc Thouc. Still stories about the two of them circulating through villages in South Vietnam. I was hoping that LTDAN2012 would chime in too. LT DAN LT DAN where are you?? Last Saturday I had lunch with Billy F. Williams. Billy was at Avel Central October and November 1971 and then transferred to AFVN. I had not seen him since November 1971 and as soon as he walked into the Restaurant I recognized him. Incredible experience and we will keep in touch with each other from now on.
Cap't. AVEL on July 17, 2012 at 6:48 AM said:

Even though the Government denies my existence, like Delta Force, I am, as Lilly used to say, OMNIPOTENT, everywhere all the time, all seeing, all knowing. I see that we now have 68 people registered for the reunion...42 vets plus guests. Cut off for rooms at the hotel at our guaranteed rate is Sept. 11....Troopers, it's mid damn JULY... get in step! Get a move on! Get your registration done and get your reunion dues paid because if you miss this one, you're going to be kicking your own butt until Jane Fonda apologizes, long after the cows have come home....probably even longer than that. It might be your last chance to see your old buddies whom you never thought you would see again. There is no describing the feeling of making that re-connection. Move it- move it- move it!
Steve Martin on July 11, 2012 at 3:57 PM said:

Jack, I enjoy reading your daily battle reports.A big thumbs up to you for adding them.
russ mason on July 11, 2012 at 6:40 AM said:

42 years ago today was one of the happiest of my life. Even though the memories now are all treasured, ETS day, 7/11/70, was like being born. It took me all of two days to become a civilian again. That's how long it took to pack and move from Ft. Gordon, Augusta, Ga. back home to Atlanta.

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