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Mike Blatt on July 9, 2012 at 4:47 PM said:

Lt Dan & Jerry, That blue paint looks very familiar and brings back some good memories. The hooch that Dave Bishop and I shared had the same blue paint on all the walls and every thing else. They must have had an abundance of that blue paint over there. They do say blue walls have a calming effect, great picture Jerry.
Mike Blatt on July 3, 2012 at 5:08 PM said:

Happy and safe 4th of July to all my fellow veterans and their families.
russ mason on June 20, 2012 at 4:41 AM said:

UPDATE ON THE REUNION: As of today, 6/20/12, we have 40 vets registered for the reunion. By that, I mean they have completed and returned their registration form from this web site found in the 2012 Reunion information. Look to the left of this line of type and you will see "2012 Reunion Registration". Click on it, fill it out, send it.

From the post card survey we did back in January, we got a feedback indicating we would probably have around 70 guys coming to the reunion and about half indicating they are bringing a guest, so we will have a really good crowd. We have received reunion dues from 26 guys as of today, and as of 6/11/12, 33 have reserved a room at the hotel. I will get an update on room reservations next week.

Don't procrastinate too long....get on board. It's going to be a really good time.
Roger Shiley on June 19, 2012 at 1:10 PM said:

I haven't heard from 1SG Fitzpatrick in several weeks! I use to get daily e-mail info...I've sent two e-mails and no answer....Does anyone have contact with him???? If so tell him to keep in touch!!!!!!!!!!
MAJ (LTC) Roger Shiley clockstore@comporium.net
larry sossamon on June 17, 2012 at 9:16 AM said:

happy fathers day to all,
Louie A Barber, Major, CO Avel Central on June 11, 2012 at 7:05 PM said:

In December 1968, I relieved Major Glover as CO of Avel Central. I was commander of the unit until July 1969. I was then transferred to 34th Group Headquarters. During my tenure as CO, we had the first Command Material Maintenance Inspection (CMMI). I had SFC Alton Davis as my acting First Sergeant, Sgt Davis did an outstanding job preparing for the inspection. We received one discrepancy. Sgt Davis forgot to cut an order placing me back in command after I returned from R&R in Hawaii. When we received notice of the upcoming inspection, all Avel Central vehicles were in terrible condition. None of the assigned men had experience with required vehicle maintenance. My first job as a 2nd Lt in Germany was motor officer for the 585 Signal Company in 1960. I spent my days, up until the inspection, working with the troops as a maintenance person. At the end of one of those days I went to Battalion Headquarters to check the bulletin board. LtCol William A. Rathbone, my battalion CO saw me covered in grease. He said, “Major Barber, you look like a grease monkey. Explain yourself.” I answered, “Sir, if you want us to pass the inspection, I have to work with the troops.” He said, “Keep working with the troops.” We received no discrepancies.

Colonel Rathbone assigned me the extra duty as Battalion Cost Reduction Officer. I had a cost reduction representative in each company. I called the first meeting and every man immediately joined in saying, “Major, we have too much to do, now. This assignment is a bunch of BS.” I agreed and gave them an easy way to do the job. I gave the example of the battalion bunker. Hundreds if not thousands of filled sandbags were used to protect the bunker. Once it was complete, a coating of cement had been applied to the outer bags. I told Lt. Pinkos, the headquarters company commander to figure up the number of sandbags that did not need replacing every three months and turn that in as a “cost reduction.” They all got thr picture and I received several cost reduction inputs, which I submitted to USARV Headquarters.

One day a civilian walked into my office and introduced himself as the USARV Cost Reduction Officer. He stated that our battalion submitted far more cost reductions than any other unit in Country. He said he wanted to see the actual projects. I called each company and told the respective cost reduction person (mostly warrant officers) that I was bringing the USARV Cost Reduction Officer to see his projects. You can imagine how they looked at me while they tried to describe their projects. I had a heck of a time to keep from laughing.

I wasn’t able to get Lt Pinkose, headquarters commandant on the phone. I drove the inspector up in my jeep and we found Pinkose walking out of the battalion headquarters building. I introduced the man to Pinkose. His face turned as white as a sheet. He started walking backward saying. “I didn’t sign anything. I didn’t sign anything!” I almost fell over laughing. I don’t remember how the report went. I did receive a Commendation medal for the job.

All of my troops in our three locations did an outstanding job while I was in command.
Jack McCabe on June 11, 2012 at 2:44 PM said:

I think Captain Avel is really Major Matos. Probably was busted after the "Aussie Band Affair".
Leon Chlebowski on June 11, 2012 at 6:55 AM said:

OK Captain Avel, i made my flight reservations to the reunion today, please take me off your hit list
Jerry Mahanay on June 8, 2012 at 5:38 PM said:

Just keep in mind Leon that Captain Avel is all knowing and all seeing and will know if you don't make those airline reservations in a timely manner. I bet he and Nyugen would like to make a visit to Cocoa Beach to help you pack.
leon Chlebowski on June 8, 2012 at 3:44 PM said:

OK Captain Avel i admit it, i did not make my flight reservations yet, but i did reserve a room and registered and sent in a photo, please don't send ol num chuck, mamason hootchmaid wanna be after me
Captain Avel on June 8, 2012 at 1:03 PM said:

Just a short note to remind those who have not done so to get off your duff and get registered for the reunion, reserve your room and send your dues to Russ Mason. Those of you who drag your feet too long will be visited by my close associate/sidekick/companion/Man Friday, Nguyen Van Chuoc Thuoc, a former V.C. turned Kit Carson Scout good guy whom I hooked up with in the hell days of 1968 right after Tet began. Nguyen is very learned in ways of convincing people to do things, and he will dig a tunnel right up to your front door and ambush you when least expected. He say you boocoo numba ten thou if you no get the paper work done, unless you just can't make it and have an excuse from your C.O., In that case, he say you numba one G.I. He no sock mau if you have excuse.
dale link on June 7, 2012 at 9:15 AM said:

i will not be able to attend this year reunion; other commitment at this time. for those who have not registered, do so. you will have a good time seeing OLD brothers . the last reunion was great, and this one sounds better. wish i could be there. see you all at 1213 reunion
Jack McCabe on June 6, 2012 at 4:01 AM said:

If you supplied a photo for your ID Badge last year you are good. If you didn't I get to pick a photo for you and your guest if you are bringing one.

Register guys. We have a lot of planning to do and need a head count.
Jerry Mahanay on June 2, 2012 at 5:49 PM said:

You see the glowing recommendations from Captain Avel and Bill Biggs but the founding Father of Avel Central Harry Lance gives Boulder Station a big two thumbs up. Harry is 83 years young and is a long time Las Vegas visitor. He says Boulder is one of his favorite casinos and the best Buffet in Vegas and is looking forward to the Reunion in October. I also bet Harry has some incredible Captain Avel stories to tell at the Reunion. Russ Mason, you better lay off of Captain Avel if you know what's good for you. I remember the stories from Avel Central 1971-1972.

Roger Edwards, Jack has been looking for WO1 McClaskey but has had no luck. Why haven't you registered on the website?? If you don't want you information known just tell Jack but at least register.
roger edwards on June 1, 2012 at 6:10 PM said:

anyone know what happened to macasskey cwo1, dennis o'conner or glenn young?

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