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Jack McCabe on March 29, 2012 at 5:19 PM said:

Yhank you Maureen. Eric is truly missed. We think about him and talk of him often. I am really glad he made it to the first reunion. We try to tell all the guys how important it is to attend the reunion. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

We will be thinking of your family tomorrow. And of course we will be thinking of Eric.
russ mason on March 29, 2012 at 2:01 PM said:

Maureen, if you look again at the 68 Phu Loi photos, there is one of Eric on the right, then Ron Smoker, then me in the white t shirt, Gary Irons, Gene Herron, Carlton Tupper and somebody we can't tell. I don't know if you read earlier this year where we lost Ron Smoker. Ron was also a good friend of your dad's. The three of us were the best of friends. I like to think that Eric and Ron are back together as hootch mates, the way we were.
We think about all of you regularly.
Jerry Mahanay on March 29, 2012 at 1:13 PM said:

Maureen, thank you so much for your thoughts. The Charleston Reunion was a tremendous success but Eric was greatly missed and continues to be missed especially by the Reunion Committee. Countless times this year while working on this year's Reunion Jack, Russ and I have asked each other "How would Eric have done this", or "What would Eric have done in this situation". Let's try to put this in a spreadsheet like Eric would have done. Maureen, my prayers and thoughts are with you, your mom, your brothers. I know tomorrow will tough but you will remember the wonderful times all of you had with Eric.
Maureen on March 29, 2012 at 11:23 AM said:

On behalf of myself and my entire family, we would like to say "Welcome Home". I know I am a little earlier.. tomorrow is the day but I am leaving for a trip tomorrow and will not have access to a computer. I looked through the reunion pictures.. so happy that everyone had a wonderful time. The upcoming reunions look exciting as well.. Such a wonderful thing you have going. It has touched and will continue to touch so many people.

With many blessings,
Maureen and the entire family of the late Eric Haase - an extremely proud Vietnam Vet
john kaszycki on March 27, 2012 at 6:58 AM said:

VA came up with a new program,called project arch..they sent me to a private physician that's local,instead of traveling 100 miles a day ..they trying this out 2 reduce their case-load at Richmond facility..sure helps with price of gas today..they even do my prescriptions now
Jack McCabe on March 20, 2012 at 6:45 AM said:

We have had contact with a number of guys over the last year or so that never registered. Guys, I will not add you to the roster or email list unless you register. We don't sell this list and you won't get spam. If you don't want anyone to know where you live or your phone number just add that comment to me when you register and I will not publish it.
Jerry Mahanay on March 16, 2012 at 8:20 PM said:

Jack has done such a great job of starting all of this and finding Avelers but he needs help. there are so many guys out there that he has contacted that has additional information. Jack could use full names and any orders that you have. Any information any of you have would be helpful. It really has come down to a timeline that we are not getting any younger and we are not getting any healthier and we would like to see all of Avel be reunited. Please if you have any information let us know.k
Mike Blatt on March 16, 2012 at 9:02 AM said:

About three weeks ago Jack McCabe called and asked me if I knew the Bishop brothers. I told him I knew Dave and I would see if we could locate them. After about a week of searching my wife tracked down Dave Bishops sister and asked her to pass a message onto Dave. Well yesterday afternoon he called and we had a great reunion over the phone, it was great to here his voice. He is doing fine in Valdosta, Georgia with his family. He retired in 2009 and is sitting back relaxing. He was not aware of the AVEL website. I also mentioned to him about Carl Allen and Bob Weier were on the site and he couldn't believe it. This just goes to show we need to work on finding our fellow AVEL veterans.
russ mason on March 16, 2012 at 5:00 AM said:

We're getting close to selecting a hotel in Vegas for the 2012 reunion. Lots of details to negotiate, and we have it down to 3 hotels. At last count, we have something like 62 or 63 vets who say they are coming, and about 15-20 who don't know at this time. We expect to pick up a few of those, plus a few "NO'S" who will change their minds and a few who have not responded to the survey, so it looks like we will have a very good crowd, possibly over 100 people with wives or guests. Last year in Charleston, we had something like 62 total. We will be letting you know final details very soon now and start asking you to reserve your rooms and send in your reunion dues.
Jerry Mahanay on March 10, 2012 at 6:05 PM said:

We are here to help you anyway we can. please keep in touch with us and let us know how we can help you. If you need to call me at anytime please do. I want you to be Avel Strong and want you to be able to come to a Reunion in the near future.
Roger Shiley on March 8, 2012 at 7:24 AM said:

Bruce, 1970-71 9rjejbWe were there and I'll refresh your memory.
E-mail me at rshiley@tampabay.rr.com !!!!!!!!!
Jerry Mahanay on March 6, 2012 at 8:30 PM said:

Plan on being in Albuquergue next year and we will have a green chili cheeseburger of your choice. Bert's Burger Bowl, Bobcat Bites, Blake's LottaBurger or I am sure you have a local's favorite that I'm not even aware of. We will be in touch.
Carl Allen on March 6, 2012 at 11:57 AM said:

J. Mahanay tagged one of my pictures encouraging me attend this years reunion, promising me a great green chili hamburger. I'm working on making it there but aging parents have required alot of our time. Jack, youv'e done a great job with this site. I frequent it often. I'm proud to have served with Avel Central, and honored to have served our nation during those turbulent times. Welcome home to all Avel vets.
Jerry Mahanay on March 5, 2012 at 5:14 AM said:

Bruce, It was great talking to you last night. You're right i don't remember Jack McCabe drinking martini's out of canteen cups either.
Jerry Mahanay on March 4, 2012 at 5:40 PM said:


I was at Avel Central in 1971-1972. I remember your face but don't remember that we hung out together. Is your contact information still correct?? I will call you this next week and we can talk.

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